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     Syntax:        TXSETPFONT(<expN>)

     Purpose:       Select font using the associated font ID.

     Argument:      <expN> is the font ID.

     Returns:        0  Successful
                     1  <expN> not numeric

     Usage:         TXSETPFONT() is useful anytime you need to change
                    the font you are printing. This is associated with
                    a soft font you have previously downloaded.

     Example:       * Print using font ID #1
                    TXDLFONT("TR10R#US.SFP", 1)
                    TXDLFONT("TR18R#US.SFP", 2)
                    @ 01, 10 say "This will print in TR 10 point"
                    @ 05, 10 say "This will print in TR 18 point"

     See Also:      TXDLFONT()

See Also: TXDLFONT()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson